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Sun Protection Clothing for babies, children & adults
Excellent quality Australian UV protective swimwear, sunsuits, rash shirts, sun hats, swimsuits, swim shorts, baby UV suits, Baby Banz sunglasses and more ...
equatorsun sun protection clothing

UV Index

The strength of the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation is expressed as a 'Solar UV Index', a system developed by the World Health Organization.

The UV- index (UVI) is an indication on of the maximum daily level of UV radiation received at ground level. It is designed to help people understand the risk of the UV radiation and plan accordingly.

Category UVI range Colour Precautions
Low 0 to 2 Green Safely stay outdoors with minimal protection.
Moderate 3 to 5 Yellow Wear hat, cover-up/sunscreen, sunglasses, seek shade
High 6 to 7 Orange Wear hat, cover-up/sunscreen, sunglasses, seek shade. Stay indoors between 11am- 3pm.
Very high
8 to 10
= 11
Stay indoors as much as possible, otherwise use all precautions above.


To check the Met Office’s UV index for the UK:


To check the Met Office’s forecast, including the UV index, for the world:


To check the global index go to:


For more information about the Global Index go to the World Health Organisation:

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