Do We Really Need Sun Protection All Year Round?
Uncover the truth about UV exposure and why it’s critical to stay protected, rain or shine.
Read Time: 6 minutes
Protect your skin all year round, no matter the weather.
Think sun protection is just for beach days? Think again. UV rays don’t take a holiday, so neither should your skin protection. UV radiation, no matter how small, will contribute to ageing your skin and damaging your skin’s DNA, increasing your chance of developing skin cancer. We highly recommend that you cover up with specially-designed sun protective clothes and incorporate sun cream into your daily routine.
What Are UV Rays?
UV radiation comprises of 2 different types of rays: UVA and UVB. The UVA rays penetrate deeper into the skin, and they are primarily responsible for ageing the skin. Whilst the UVB rays are primarily responsible for sunburn and consequently, skin cancer.
Why You Need Sun Protection All Year Round
It is commonly thought that the temperature is indicative of the UV radiation intensity. However, this could not be further from the truth. The temperature is caused by infrared radiation as opposed to UV radiation, meaning that the UV intensity can be very high despite moderate temperatures. Even on those cold, snowy days, the UV intensity can be significant as snow reflects up to 80% of UV rays; making sun burn a reality in the winter. So, remember to protect yourself next time you go skiing or for that winter hike.
Even on cloudy days, sun protection is needed. “But I can’t even see the sun?!”. The sun can be deceiving as up to 80% of UV rays can still penetrate through the clouds. In fact, the UV radiation can even be enhanced by clouds through a phenomenon called the ‘broken cloud effect’.
Finally, even indoors you need sun protection as harmful UVA rays can penetrate through windows to be absorbed into your skin, accelerating the ageing process and increasing the chance of skin cancer. So, remember to protect yourself when you are indoors, and when you are driving; with some sun protective sleeves.
Seasonal Differences in Sun Protection Needs
We all know during the summertime we need to be extra careful around the sun as the average UV intensity is elevated. That being said, the dangers of UV exposure are still very much present in the winter months.
To understand the danger of the sun, you need to understand that the damaging effect of the sun comes from a response to the cumulative exposure to UV radiation. This means that every single time UV rays are absorbed into the skin, the chances of skin cancer increase.
Despite the lower risk of sun burn in the winter months, it is really important to understand that the damage of UV exposure is still occurring even though you may not immediately see it. It can take years for the damage to be seen.
How to Incorporate Sun Protection into Your Daily Routine
Making sun protection a cornerstone of your lifestyle could be the best investment you ever make. Changing your wardrobe from normal clothing to sun protective clothing and incorporating SPF protection into your skincare routine, will keep you looking young and healthy. A simple swap of your normal moisturiser to a SPF moisturiser like this La Roche Posay product will mean that you are always protected.
The best habit to build is to cover up with the right protection. Sun cream is great, but you can’t beat purpose-built sun protective clothing. Remember even if you can’t see the sun damage, doesn’t mean it isn’t there.
Our Recommendation
As we get older the difference between the people who protected their skin from the sun and the people that didn’t, becomes exceedingly clear. Please protect yourself, even when you don’t think you need to.